Thursday, July 5, 2012

asemic poem for day one


  1. I feel trapped behind a blind as the storm rages outside... no wait, that did already happen to me this afternoon...
    Interesting image :)

  2. Horizontals ... no contest. Hot bedroom blinds ...
    Um ... I do like this.

  3. It is funny how we all see different things, Sandra. Instead of bedroom blinds, I see a spiral ring notebook with lined paper. Maybe some kids got bored in class and started coloring it in and doodling. LOL. It sure is an interesting image.

  4. You're correct Linda H. I do draw/write in a spiral notebook with lined paper. I use a number 2 pencil and colorize on the computer. I thank all three of you for your comments.

  5. That's pretty neat, Jim. I think the only reason I realized it was a notebook is because I carry a mini one in my purse to jot down thoughts and phrases as they come. Later when I go home I can write a poem or story or just save it for another time.

    Do you mind if I ask what program you use? There are a few photos of mine I'd like to play with.

    1. Yes, Linda. For this piece I used an app called PhotoPad. I have it on my iPad.

  6. Oh, I saw the notebook ... but allowed my imagination to take a wander ...

  7. The sky in the notebook is dismally mauve, torrents of rain and lightning flashing, and certainly thunder. Someone is listening or feeling the slightest vibration at the farthest spiral. A rosebush brittle from years of drought still stands. A blue sky trembles slightly in the background.
